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Monday, July 16, 2012

Treating Islamophobia

Islamophobia and anti-Americanism have arisen in line with the series of shocking events that have taken place in recent years. Be it the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the non-stop searching for Osama bin Laden, the suicide bombing in certain places, or the discrimination towards Muslims around the world, those factors have contributed to the actively progressing Islamophobia and anti-Americanism.

Shryock (2010) highlighted that though Islamophobia is well linked to the contemporary Americans and Europeans, nevertheless people of countries in the world are also posing the same degree of threats to the minority Muslims; these includes China, India, and several African countries. However, as Americans are the most  apparent party in this sense, Islamophobia among Americans is highly recognised; particularly in the form of mosque vandalism, hate crimes against individuals thought to be Muslims, sensational press coverage of “the Muslim threat” and  the selected policing and surveillance of Muslim communities (Shryock, 2010). Anti-Americanism, on the other hand, has began much earlier in many countries, for instance Phillipines, African countries and and also some European countries for various reasons; by and large economy and politics (Seesemann, 2006; O’Connor ed., 2007).  However, anti-Americanism among Muslims in the present context is highly boosted by the fear and prejudice imposed towards Muslims.

Muzammil Siddiqi in his article, “We Should Build on the Great Values Shared by All Religions” talked mainly about the issue of curing Islamophobia and anti-Americanism. The stated article which has been published in 2007 by Amana Publication, Maryland together with other articles in a compilation; “ Islamophobia and Anti-Americanism: Causes and Remedies” edited by Mohamed Nimar emphasised on the common values shared by people of all religions as the factors in treating Islamophobia and anti-Americanism.

Muzammil Siddiqi saw that Islamophobia and anti-Americanism have created a large gap between the two community involved; Muslims and Americans. As the title of the article reflects, he in his writing has proposed on the importance of values shared by all religions as the foundation to live in the world’s community, in peace and tranquility. For Muzammil, because of these two influential positions, many people on both sides of the stream have now believed that they have nothing in common.

The author did not agree with extremism; in which the idea that “we” are different from “them” is applied, and as “we” are good and “they” are evil, “we” must control and hate “them”. This situation can be referred to as social categorization as discussed in social psychology. Social categorization is defined as the tendency to divide the social world into separate categories; the in-group (us) and the various out-groups (them) (Baron, Byrne & Branscombe, 2006). The divisions are more likely to be based on differences between the groups; in term of religion, culture, language, or even the way of dressing.

 As it is in nature for a person to has a tendency towards another who shares similarities with him, that person is more likely to perceive the others that are in the in-group in favorable terms, while the person of the out-group is perceived more negatively (Baron et. al., 2006). This attitude will eventually leads to prejudice and discrimination, the social ailments that can produce dissonance and violence. And this is what had been revealed by Muzammil.

Islamophobia and anti-Americanism is the effect of social categorization which then leads to the prejudice among both social groups. The Americans see Muslims as terrorist and culprits, and Muslims retaliate. The “us” and “them” idea has totally dominating the minds of both social groups thus create ravine between Muslims and Americans, eventually putting them on with the glasses which reflect nothing but total dissimilarity. In contrary, the author believed that all people have many things in common. They share the same common sense, common humanity, concerns, issues and problems as they are normal human being.
Muzammil supported his claim (of people sharing values regardless of religion believed) by comparing the Ten Commandments in Judaism with verses from Qur’an bringing the same meaning. He totally agreed with the Ten Commandments as when compared to the verses from Qur’an, both show similarity in promoting moral values and principles. For example, he linked the verse “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me” in the Old Testament (Exodus) with the verse from al-Qur’an, “Do not associate another deity with God.” This is exactly true as both Books are the revelation of Allah for His Messangers. The split came when the followers deviated from the true teachings.

The author brought forward evidences from books reflecting the values shared by all people regardless of the beliefs hold or culture resided in. From his observation upon the golden rule in various traditions, Muzammil concluded that all religions promote the same values. Though they talk in different styles and languages but they are actually similar at the core. Morality is the highest value uphold by the religion.

This shows that all human is in fact sharing the same desire and need; to have a good and harmony living. It is supported by Maslow (as cited in Slater, Hocking and Loose, 2003) whom humanistic theory put forward the idea of every human is driven by his inner need known as self actualization. This need is the highest one, pursue by all after they had successfully achieved the four basic former needs; physiological needs, safety and security, love and belongingness, and esteem.  This is a sign of the Greatness of The Only God for creating human in unity despite the diversity shown. Subhanallah.

Going back to the issue of Islamophobia and anti-Americanism, both should have not been issues at the first place as for Muzammil, the Westerners and Muslims have lived and worked together for a long time; indicating tolerance and parallelism as a community should have taken place. The only thing to do now is to sit together and understand these things, and more importantly to practice the values preached.

But, as promoting indifferences between religions, Muzammil asserted that there are things which we as Muslims should stand by our own. Those things are things that distinct Islam from other religions in the world. Although other religions may talk on those values, but Islam put a very great emphasis on them, namely; life, family, sobriety, modesty, freedom ad tolerance.
Islam emphasizes family as the most important social institution. Islam emphasizes the importance of preserving dignity by abstaining from sexual relations before marriage. Islam also discourages divorce as the risks of it outweighed the benefit. These points reflect the importance of marriage and family as one of the most important school for every person. Family is where a person learns about love, sadness, scarification and happiness. It is contrary with Christianity where monks and nuns are not allowed to get married. Rejection of the human’s need in having partner and offspring in the form of marriage will defect human’s physiological and psychological balance (Glenn, 1975;Gove, Hughes & Style, 1983) .

Islam has a very strict stand regarding intoxicant. Islam highly discourages all intoxicating drink and drugs to keep the mind clear; preserving the value of sobriety. Though peoples have different thoughts on intoxicants but Islam prohibit Muslims to involve as it will ruin the gift of God that is human’s mind.

Clearly Islam promotes tolerance. According to Muzammil, Islam believes that people should be allowed to express their views without disrespecting others. Islam believes that other people’s religion, culture, and heritage should be fully respected. Whether we agree or not with someone, we should respect their religion, sacred personalities, sacred scriptures, culture and heritage. Respect is paid with respect. If we want others to respect Islam, we should respect them first. Respect and tolerance do not mean accepting. Both terms indicate different meaning. As depicted through the construction of the first Islamic state, Islam respected the non-Muslims resided in Madinah al-Munawwarah by leaving them to practice their own religion and tradition, but together they also need to obey the Islamic leadership, let alone the Muslims to practice the tenets and teachings of Islam.

Muzammil came with the suggestion of reasserting these six values via education and media as these values are really vital as fundamental moral guidelines to improve the society. Enforcing these values through law and rules, besides providing active models in the society, along with continuous intercultural dialogue are seen as efficient efforts in bringing back the society into unity and harmony.

He pinpointed that neither Islamophobia nor anti-Americanism will bring benefit to the society and humanity in general. Discussions and dialogues for him, is the best way to help humanity by searching for shared values.  Overcoming both stigmas is only relevant with open mind and heart.

From my humble opinion, Muzammil has proposed a brilliant yet effective suggestion in treating these social ailments. Finding harmony and parallelism in all religions is not as easy as planting a seed. Calling peoples of all religions, especially the leaders and scholars to discuss and find similarities in values shared by all is indeed the best way to alleviate the developing bad reputation of both Muslims and Westerners in the eyes of each other, thus promoting global unity and harmony.

However, as anti-Americanism is not a problem evolved from the 11/9 incident, rather it has arose long ago in history; treatment of it is not as easy as finding similarities between communities involved. The author should consider the relevancy of implementing strategies proposed to cure anti-Americanism as this is a global problem and not little event has occurred in developing this stigma among world’s community.

To wrap up, Islamophobia and anti-Americanism are global problems that need serious attention as it affect the world’s community. Politicians and academicians are among the most influential people whom action and ideas are really needed and influential in solving these problems. Treating Islamophobia and anti-Americanism will end the prejudice wafted in the world’s atmosphere, thus help promoting a better, harmony global community.

Baron, R.A., Byrne, D. & Branscombe, N.R. (2006). Social psychology, (11th ed).. Boston: Pearson / Allyn & Bacon.

Glenn, N.D. (1975). The contribution of marriage to the psychological well-being of males and females. Journal of marriage and family, 37 (3). 594-600. Retrieved from
Gove, W.R., Hughes, M., & Style, C. B. (1983). Does marriage have positive effects on the psychological well-being of the individual?. Journal of health and social behavior, 24.122-131. Retrieved from

O’Connor, B. (2007). Anti-Americanism: history, causes, themes, (Vol. 3). United States of America: Greenwood World Publishing. Retrieved from,+o'connor&hl=ar&ei=XuotTbi4BszsrQev1qXcCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Seesemann, R. (2006). Anti-Americanism  in Africa: a historical overview. In S. Faath (eds.), Anti-Americanism in the Islamic world. United States of America: Markus Wiener Publishers. Retrieved from,+seesemann&hl=ar&ei=B-gtTfLOKY_BcdzVsdkH&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=anti-americanism%2C%20seesemann&f=false

Shryock, A. (2010). Islam as an object of fear and affection. In A. Shryock (eds.), Islamophobia/Islamophilia: beyond the politics of enemy and friend. United States of America: Indiana University Press.Retrieved from,+shryock&hl=ar&ei=0OctTe22MYiucJ3t0O8H&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Siddiqi, M. (2007). We should build on the great values shared by all religions. In M. Nimar (eds.), Islamophobia and anti-americanism: causes and remedies.Maryland: Amana Publication.

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